Thursday, December 17, 2009

Goodbye and Welcome Back

So this morning, I finally decided to remove Emmarie from my list of friends. I've been thinking about this for a while. I couldn't sleep last night because the whole situation with her was on my mind. I can't take anymore. I don't think she considers me an actual friend. We'll go our separate ways, just as the vision foretold.

However as this happened, a few hours later, fate brought Luna to me while I was having lunch. She gave me a hug and said she was sorry. She said that she had been thinking about me quite a bit and regretted what happened between us. I felt the same too somewhat. Still, we decided to bury the hatchet and become friends again. Just like that, I had lost a friend and regained one. Funny how this all happens in the span of a few hours.

Hanging out with Luna for the past few hours made me feel like nothing ever happened between us. It's like the past 2 months never happened. It felt...good in a sense. So is this what's going to happen? I will lose friends and gain them back at a later time? I had a brief vision of this possibility but it seems weird.

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